Outcomes of the Year of Health at Russian Railways

Outcomes of the Year of Health at Russian Railways

The Company designated 2023 as a Year of Health. More than 11,800 events were held, engaging over 7.3 million people (including an informational reach of 5.6 million people).

The main projects of the Year of Health focused on enhancing the health and preserving the career longevity of railway employees. The Company also placed significant emphasis on events for residents of the regions where it operates.

Outcomes of the Year of Health at Russian Railways
Medical outreach campaign

As part of the campaign, preventive medical examinations and consultations by specialty doctors were carried out in remote and sparsely populated locations where no medicine specialists are routinely available.

> 5,100
people examined
medical outreach trips
Nationwide Health Train: Together Against Diabetes awareness campaign

A specialised train, equipped with modern medical devices and staffed by highly qualified healthcare professionals of the RZD‑Medicine network, travelled over 20,000 km along the Vladivostok–Moscow route in 66 days, making stops in 37 cities and towns.

patients examined
The train also conducted
medical examinations
medical tests

Health Days at the Company’s facilities

Health Days featured lectures by leading doctors, screening tests, and distribution of handouts on healthy lifestyles.

employees examined

Sporting events

The Company held the LocoWinter and LocoSummer healthy lifestyle festivals for families, as well as 14 fitness tours, attended by over 150,000 people.

Around 3,000
healthy lifestyle champions among the Company’s employees

Blood donor movement

The Company fosters blood donation among its employees, with the number of people willing to donate blood growing every year.

> 30,000
employees of Russian Railways are donors