Business model of Russian Railways

Regulation of joint stock companies
Tariff regulation
Antimonopoly regulation
Drafting of the Transport Industry Development Strategy

Swipe the scheme

Stakeholder Values

The Company’s priorities are continuous improvement of customer experience, development of new products and services, digitalisation, and creation of a comfortable transport environment for all categories of shippers and passengers.

  • The Q4 2023 customer satisfaction index stood at 90.5 and 88.5 points in the long‑haul and suburban passenger transportation segments, respectively.
  • The share of freight car shipments delivered within the required period – 97.6%.

The Company plays a major role in the development of the country’s economy, ensuring transport accessibility of the regions and providing socially important transportation services. It is also one of the largest taxpayers.

  • RUB 391.4 bn of taxes and insurance fees paid in 2023.

The Company is the primary consumer of railway engineering products and ensures high utilisation rates for domestic manufacturers.

  • RUB 1,881.8 bn – total procurement in 2023.
  • RUB 320.5 bn – total procurement from SMEs in 2023.
  • 97.9% – share of goods procured by the Company from Russian manufacturers.

The Russian Railways Group is Russia’s largest employer. The Company strives to improve working and leisure conditions for employees, while also focusing on effective training and professional development.

  • The Group’s headcount is 807,800 people.
  • For the fifth year running, the Company leads the charge in the people’s rating of Russia’s best employers compiled by VCIOM (Russian Public Opinion Research Centre).

Commitment to sustainability is one of the Company’s top priorities. We adhere to the UN Global Compact, the largest international initiative in social responsibility.

  • RUB 4.5 bn – environmental expenses
  • RUB 6 bn – charity expenses