Zero tolerance for corruption

GRIGRI 205–2

Staff training

Russian Railways’ centralised system of mandatory anti‑corruption training is one of the key instruments for fostering responsible conduct culture. Pursuant to Russian Railways’ regulations anti‑corruption training has become mandatory for all of the Company’s employees since 2019, as they have to complete relevant courses within one month of their employment date. Refresher training is required every three years.

In 2023, over 106,000 employees (up 32% compared to 2022) completed relevant training on Russian Railways’ distance learning platform, including more than 94,000 people who took the general course and more than 11,000 people who took a special course geared towards executives and employees whose responsibilities included anti‑corruption activities.

Furthermore, 429 employees responsible for overseeing anti‑corruption efforts received advanced training at the Institute of Legal Studies at MIIT (Russian University of Transport) in line with the 2023 centralised plan for the training and development of Russian Railways managers and office employees.

All new hires are required to read and sign Russian Railways’ Code of Business Ethics, anti‑corruption policy and other internal anti‑corruption regulations when accepting employment and to get acquainted with any amendments thereto by reading and signing them in a hardcopy, digitalVia the single automated document management system. or electronic format.