Independently verified sustainability indicators

Material sustainability indicators
Indicator 2023 value Calculation methodology and disclosure approaches
Waste management
Production and consumption waste generation, kt 1,437 Data are collected using the 2‑TP federal statistic form (waste) as regards reporting of industrial and consumer waste generated, processed, disposed of, decontaminated and sent to be stored or buried.
Share of waste sent to be buried, % 11.7 Data are based on waste generated (taking into account waste accumulated as at the beginning of the period) and sent to be buried (including MSW transferred to a regional operator) in the reporting year.
Energy efficiency
Electricity consumption, m kWh, total 51,503.9 Data are based on Russian Railways’ internal statistical reporting forms and governed by re‑spective guidelines.
Diesel fuel consumption, kt, total 2,635.2
Coal consumption, kt, total 564.1
Fuel oil consumption, kt, total 188.7
Natural gas consumption, mcm, total 372.8
Energy intensity of operations, kJ / virtual tkm net 85.1

Energy intensity is calculated as fuel and energy resources consumed by the Company (exclud‑ing volumes sold to third‑party entities and individuals as fuel for industrial and household needs, and excluding transit of power and heat, including the standardised level of technological losses) divided by the amount of the Company’s works and services related to its ordinary activities adjusted to the Company’s operational turnover, the key line of activity measured in tonne‑kilometres of cargo.

The calculation is carried out by the Engineering Design Centre in line with the methodology approved by order No.  2578/r dated 19 December 2016.

Occupational injuries
Total number of injuries, persons 77 Data show workplace injuries where a dedicated commission has confirmed that either the  employee or the employer have caused the injury. Data are based on a Russian Railways internal reporting form that reflects N‑1 form statements.
Total workplace injury frequency rate (number of injuries per 1,000 workers) 0.116
Workplace fatal injury frequency rate (number of fatal injuries per 1,000 workers) 0.03
Working conditions
Working conditions and occupational safety improvement expenses, RUB  bn 37,624 Data are based on Russian Railways’ internal statistical reporting forms on health, industrial safety and non‑occupational injuries.
Number of workplaces with improved working conditions, ‘000 46.8
Passenger satisfaction
Consolidated satisfaction index for long‑haul passengers, points (Q4) 90.5 Actual satisfaction index is calculated using Russian Railways’ internal regulation: Integrated Methodology for Evaluating Passenger Satisfaction in Rail Transportation as approved by Rus‑sian Railways’ Order No.  3041/r dated 20 December 2021.
Consolidated satisfaction index for suburban passengers, points (Q4) 88.5
Staff training
Employees who completed training, thousand people 491 The average hours of training per employee per year is shown per employee trained under professional development and training programmes. Calculations take into account average planned training hours (70 and 350 academic hours for professional development and training programmes respectively).
Average hours of training per year per employee (managers and office workers) 45.5
Average hours of training per year per employee (blue‑ and white‑collar employ‑ees) 123.2
Collective bargaining agreements
Percentage of  employees covered by the collective bargaining agreement,  % 100 The Collective Bargaining Agreement is a unified document for Russian Railways, including branches, structural units and representative offices, and covers all employees of Russian Railways.
Water use
Water use, mcm 61.2 Data are collected using the 2‑TP federal statistic form as regards water use. Data cover only Russian Railways’ structural units included into the Environmental Strategy; third‑party con‑sumers (households, locomotive maintenance depot, etc.) are excluded.
Air pollutant emissions by substance (from stationary sources)
Pollutant emissions from stationary sources, kt 37.7 Data are collected using the 2‑TP federal statistic form as regards atmospheric air protection.
Solids, kt 7.7
Carbon monoxide (CO), kt 16.7
Sulphur dioxide (SO2), kt 8.1
Nitrogen oxides (NnOm), kt 4
Hydrocarbons (CnHm), kt 0.1
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), kt 1.1
Other gases and liquids, kt 0.1
Direct and indirect energy‑related GHG emissions
Direct emissions, mt of СО 2 10.5 GHG emissions were calculated as per Order No.  371 of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Decree of the Government No.  707 (under said documents, GHG emissions from railway transport are calculated as СО 2 only).
Indirect emissions, mt of СО 2 26.4
Investments and procurement
Investments in projects to upgrade and expand core infrastructure, RUB  m 536,652.6 Expenses include investments in comprehensive projects to develop Russian Railways’ core infrastructure.
Share of procurement from small and medium‑sized businesses, % 70.7 The share of procurement from SMEs is calculated as the ratio of the volume of contracts concluded with SMEs to the total value of contracts considered in the calculation as per Decree No.  1352 (total volume of contracts excluding purchases set out in clause 7 of Decree No.  1352).
Additional sustainability indicators
Consumption of fuel and energy resources for heat generation
Coal, GJ 9,131,848 Conversion of fuel and energy resource volumes into energy equivalents is based on the con‑version factors specified in the Fuel and Energy Reference Book of the Energy Efficiency automated information system.
Natural gas, GJ 12,586,621
Fuel oil, GJ 7,566,084
Diesel fuel, GJ 212,831
Electrical energy, GJ 2,941,444