Environmental management framework

Environmental management framework

Russian Railways’ environmental management framework includes Health, Environmental, Industrial and Fire Safety Policy of the Russian Railways Group, its Environmental Strategy through 2030 with an outlook through 2035, as well as planning, implementation of new processes, control and analysis by the management.

One of the most important focus areas of the Company’s environmental protection efforts is ensuring industrial environmental control and monitoring of the Company’s environmental impact. Russian Railways established an environmental monitoring system that includes stationary and mobile environmental laboratories providing reliable information on the environmental impact of pollutant sources.

The monitoring exercise involves internal environmental audits and inspections in line with corporate requirements. When developing its investment projects, the Company conducts environmental impact surveys for a better understanding of natural and human‑related conditions on the site, evaluating the environment and its vulnerability to human impact, forecasts potential changes in the environment due to the construction and operation, prepares recommendations to prevent environmental disturbance, and conducts environmental monitoring.

Russian Railways operates:
56 nationally accredited stationary industrial environmental laboratories
67 motor‑vehicle laboratories
12 train car laboratories

The laboratories have up‑to‑date analytical equipment, as well as express analysis equipment for scheduled and unscheduled site visits to monitor environmental pollution by Russian Railways’ units.

The laboratories collect samples and conduct quantitative chemical analysis of natural and waste water samples, soil, waste, and industrial emissions, measure natural physical factors in residential housing areas and habitable areas.

In 2023, the Company conducted over 174,000 measurements, including more than 81,000 wastewater quality and water treatment equipment efficiency tests, more than 39,000 measurements of pollutant emissions from stationary and mobile sources, over 52,000 evaluations of railway infrastructure impact on adjacent territories, and 2,000 soil tests.

Plans for 2024:

  • verifying competence of industrial environmental laboratories and expanding their accreditation scope;
  • exercising industrial environmental control over air, water, and soil quality, and measurement of natural physical factors as scheduled.

Environmental transparency

As an environmentally responsible company, Russian Railways contributes to the protection of the environment and is committed to voluntary environmental stewardship. As part of its contribution to environmental development, Russian Railways adheres to the principle of increasing transparency and openness by disclosing its environmental strategy and performance in annual sustainable development reports.

The Company respects the constitutional right of individuals to have access to information on the environment and seeks to enhance the effectiveness of public control and transparency of data on environmental protection and safety. The Company is governed byRussian Railways’ Environmental Transparency Regulations defining the principles, forms and transparency requirements for information related to the Company’s environmental footprint.

Emergencies with environmental implications

In 2023, the Company’s infrastructure saw no major emergencies with environmental implications.

Environmental fines in 2023

Administrative environmental fines: 22 fines for a total of RUB 2.4 m.