HR management

Approach to HR management

A key focus of Russian Railways’ social and HR policy is to develop human capital. The Company runs projects promoting continuous training, employee motivation and occupational health, as well as projects aiming to shape a stable and favourable working environment.

The Company’s performance received the highest accolade from the Russian government, with the Badge of Excellence awarded to its team by the Russian President Vladimir Putin at the 4th Railway Forum.

Russian Railways’ HR management system

Seven key principles

  • respect: for employees, the Company’s business units, and the state;
  • feedback: constant monitoring of feedback from employees and business units;
  • efficiency: prompt response to business unit requests and external challenges;
  • proactivity: providing employees with proactive services;
  • engagement: involving managers in HR management processes;
  • innovation: using advanced technologies and practices;
  • digitalisation: focus on maximum digitisation of routine operations and increased process efficiency.

International and domestic documents:

  • UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  • UN Global Compact
  • International Labour Organisation (ILO) Conventions
  • Labour legislation in the countries of operation
  • Social Charter of the Russian Business developed by the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP)

Corporate documents:

  • Russian Railways Group’s 2030 Development StrategyApproved by the Company’s Board of Directors (Minutes No. 19 dated 23 December 2013).
  • Russian Railways’ Collective Bargaining AgreementRussian Railways’ Order No. 3446/r dated 26 December 2022.
  • Russian Railways’ Code of Business EthicsRussian Railways’ Order No. 1792/r dated 18 July 2023.
  • Russian Railways’ Human Capital Development Programme until 2025Russian Railways’ Order No. 2757/r dated 14 December 2020.
  • Russian Railways’ Youth Target Programme for 2021–2025Russian Railways’ Order No. 2767/r dated 15 December 2020.
  • Russian Railways’ Framework for Promotion of Professional Guidance until 2025Approved by Russian Railways’ Management Board (Minutes No. 9 dated 11 February 2019).
  • Programme of Russian Railways’ Interaction with Railway Universities until 2025Russian Railways’ Order No. 58 dated 22 January 2020.
  • Russian Railways’ Housing Policy FrameworkRussian Railways’ Order No. 1555/r dated 21 July 2020.
  • Regulation on the Compensated Social Package Provided to Russian Railways’ EmployeesApproved by Russian Railways’ Management Board (Minutes No. 9 dated 11 February 2019).
  • Regulation on Private Pension Schemes for Employees of Russian RailwaysRussian Railways’ Order No. 2580/r dated 28 December 2006
  • Russian Railways’ Action Plan to Enhance the Quality of School Education Provided by Private Educational Institutions through 2030Russian Railways’ Order No. 658/r dated 30 March 2021.
  • Regulation on Organising Employee Training and Professional Development at Russian RailwaysRussian Railways’ Order No. 675/r dated 21 March 2022.
  • Russian Railways’ Corporate Volunteering target programme for 2023–2030Approved by Russian Railways’ Management Board (Minutes No. 86 dated 5 December 2022).
  • Conceptual Model for Centralising HR Management at Russian RailwaysRussian Railways’ Order No. 1721/r dated 2 August 2021.

As the country’s largest employer, Russian Railways promotes and prioritises principles of social responsibility to employees, society, and the government.

We attract the best talent while motivating and developing our people in line with current industry trends. By offering a wealth of opportunities to build career and grow professionally, Russian Railways seeks to make sure every employee is part of the team and can fully unlock their potential.

To nurture its talent pool, the Company takes steps to upskill and multiskill employees, expand their roles, and redistribute labour force to the areas in urgent need.

  • In 2023, we approved the employer’s value proposition – Russian Railways: Empowering Action‑Minded Professionals, while also clearly articulating our advantages as an employer – scale, technological edge, care, and opportunities.
  • To attract young people motivated to pursue railway professions and specialities, Russian Railways offers systematic career guidance to students.
    For more details see section Local communities and charity
  • The Company put in place 16 recruitment departments relying on uniform practices, and introduced extra tools to communicate with job seekers (robocalls, chat bot, and video interviews).
  • The number of courses offered by Russian Railways’ distance learning platform exceeded 1,200. We created a separate training area for the quick onboarding of new employees. Over 400,000 employees used the platform, with more than 2 million course certificates issued.
  • Efforts to roll out centralised HR management were ongoing. The reporting year saw another five social and HR centres launched, with their number totalling ten by the end of the year and over 240,000 Company employees covered by their service.
  • Russian Railways continued developing its Career Portal
  • The Company actively promoted its Employee Service Portal
    For more details see section Intracorporate communications
  • The Knowledge Hour project was on track to enable employees to use one hour of working time per month for professional development via more than 900 courses available on the distance learning platform.
  • In 2023, the Company held 116 regional stages of the Skills Competition and the network‑wide finals with over 2,000 participants.
  • Our Corporate University offers more than 250 educational solutions to managers in the most relevant areas such as talent pool growth, intensive development of corporate and professional competencies, digitalisation, operating efficiency, and occupational safety.
  • To attract and retain talent, the Company offers competitive remuneration.
  • On top of the salary, employees and their families enjoy a solid social package including benefits, compensations, and guarantees beyond the requirements of labour laws.

HR management structure

Progress against strategic HR management goals is monitored by Russian Railways’ Board of Directors. The Personnel and Remuneration Committee is primarily designed to assist Russian Railways’ Board of Directors in setting up governance bodies and developing transparent remuneration policies for their members.

Russian Railways’ Deputy CEO for HR Management, Social Development and Healthcare is in charge of managing human capital in the Group, whereas key human capital management responsibilities are distributed between the HR Department, Labour Management, Remuneration and Performance. Motivation Department, Social Development Department, Workers Training and Development Centre, and Employer Brand and Human Capital Development Centre, Central Healthcare Directorate, Centre for Labour Management and Design of Economic Standards.

HR management
Executive Office of Russian Railways
HR department
  • Determines staffing requirements and sources
  • Manages recruitment, talent pool, and employee assessment and training
  • Implements a unified youth policy
  • Ensures non‑financial incentives for employees
Labour Management, Remuneration and Performance Motivation Department
  • Drafts and implements the remuneration policy
  • Makes working arrangements and manages the work‑life balance
  • Implements a corporate policy in organisational development
  • Creates a culture of continuous improvement, knowledge base, and best practices to improve operating labour productivity
Social Development Department
  • Develops social policies and ensures compliance
  • Makes arrangements for pension plans, housing and charity programmes
  • Provides leisure activities and health resort treatment for employees, their families and Russian Railways’ veterans
  • Holds cultural, sporting and other events
Structural units of Russian Railways
Workers Training and Development Centre
  • Organises professional training for workers
  • Coordinates the work of professional training centres
Employer Brand and Human Capital Development Centre
  • Fosters a positive employer brand image for Russian Railways
  • Enhances the Company’s competitiveness in the labour market
  • Develops communication tools for employee and applicant engagement
  • Designs and implements innovative personnel management solutions
Branches of Russian Railways
Central Healthcare Directorate
  • Drafts and implements the policy on healthcare, medical support for traffic safety, medical care and health resort treatment
  • Provides methodological guidance for healthcare institutions and exercises control over them
Centre for Labour Management and Design of Economic Standards
  • Carries out research into labour processes, designing and planning economic standards, and introduces cutting edge formats of labour and production management
  • Improves standards and methodologies that help reduce labour costs and material expenses of Russian Railways’ branches and structural units