Personnel structure and turnover


As at the end of 2023, Russian Railways had a headcount of 685,200 people.

The staff composition remains stable and well‑balanced in terms of age and gender, which supports the Company’s growth and transformation.

Personnel structure and turnover

Russian Railways’ personnel composition As at 31 December 2023.

Age structure, %
Education, %
Personnel categories, %
Gender structure, %
Russian Railways’ personnel structure by gender, age, education and category, people
Indicator 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Personnel structure by age as at the end of the reporting year
Women (under 30) 44,497 40,821 36,887 36,794 34,808
Men (under 30) 123,833 112,443 102,471 103,840 100,615
Women (31–50) 138,005 136,894 127,603 126,963 119,353
Men (31–50) 299,332 300,524 295,982 296,417 288,465
Women (over 50) 43,309 42,844 41,929 43,225 45,082
Men (over 50) 88,933 89,924 91,433 93,925 96,863
Personnel structure by category as at the end of the reporting year
Women (managers) 16,227 16,244 14,600 14,763 13,754
Men (managers) 40,588 40,761 40,319 40,656 40,364
Women (office workers and white‑collar employees) 135,773 132,345 121,772 121,330 115,895
Men (office workers and white‑collar employees) 80,195 79,161 76,939 77,074 75,711
Women (blue‑collar employees) 73,812 71,970 70,047 70,889 69,594
Men (blue‑collar employees) 391,314 382,969 372,628 376,452 369,868
Personnel structure by education as at the end of the reporting year
Higher 263,582 242,999 230,713 233,555 233,492
Vocational 216,081 203,285 195,719 195,999 219,826
Other 258,246 277,166 269,873 271,610 231,868
Employees with disabilities
Indicator 2020 2021 2022 2023
Employees with disabilities, people 3,964 4,159 4,432 5,112
Share of employees with disabilities in total headcount, % 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.7

In 2023, the Company hired 103,400 people, including 7,500 graduates of industry‑based educational institutions that train specialists under higher and vocational education programmes in accordance with the needs of Russian Railways’ branches.

New hires in 2023 by category, gender and age
New hires 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Men 64,911 42,012 56,335 73,546 74,118
Women 26,037 14,739 23,956 28,507 29,246
Under 30 50,385 30,386 44,095 56,297 57,461
31–50 years of age 31,788 21,370 28,911 37,098 35,571
Over 50 8,775 4,998 7,285 8,658 10,332

Staff turnover is one of the Company’s key performance indicators, with its threshold set at 8% as per the internal calculation methodology. In 2023, turnover remained below the threshold, within the set target values, and amounted to 7.8%.

For more details on total hires and quitters for various reasons, employee turnover by region, gender and age, and Management Board composition in 2023 by diversity category see Social and HR Policy section.

Personnel turnover, %

Russian Railways’ management monitors staff turnover by unit, region and professional group to take timely action.

In 2023, the Company approved roadmaps to attract and retain talent, enhance its employment brand, and improve job satisfaction of its employees. Roadmaps have the following focus areas: salaries and workplaces, accommodation provision, healthcare, cooperation with educational institutions, recruitment and retention. This helps attract and retain highly skilled talent at new or complex operational sites, create jobs, improve social comfort, and strengthen the Company’s employer brand.

Quitting and dismissed employees
Quitting and dismissed employees in the reporting year 2020 2021 2022 2023
Women 22,029 38,228 27,995 37,013
Men 54,013 70,065 71,499 82,360
Employees under 30 22,958 36,693 37,962 46,311
Employees aged 31–50 30,693 47,288 39,034 50,127
Employees over 50 22,391 24,312 22,498 22,935
Employees that exercised their right to parental leave, people
Indicator 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total number of employees that took parental leave 9,326 8,666 6,896 7,880
Women 8,786 8,045 6,395 7,207
Men 540 621 501 676
Employees that returned to work after parental leave
Women 4,665 5,063 4,144 6,037
Men 304 296 305 400
Personnel structure and turnover